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Re: Car-O-Scope
I can't resist!!
But my car is PERFECT for me!! But here is a snip of what it said that made
me laugh so HARD!
So, let's look at your compatibility profile vis-a-vis the Ford Granada. If
you dumped that Audi 200 and got yourself a Ford Granada, you'd be a lot
But there are some psychographic and/or demographic measures on which you
differ from other Audi 200 owners. For example, you care a bit too much about
your car compared to other Audi 200 owners, and you're a little too much of a
Hm.......risk taker? Could be, huh? Here is the cars they suggested! I
only agree with the Cobra, and the rest, well....is junk! And the Ford
Granada was on my list too
1. Ford Granada
2. Chevrolet Camaro
3. Ford Mustang
4. Ford Mustang Cobra
5. AMC Jeep
Going to consider the Ford Granada so I can achcieve a happier life!
Cheers ALL!!!
Jason C
89 200t10v
Redmond WA