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Re: '84 4KQ parts request

Where are you located?  I'm guessing east coast.


MHLIGGINS@aol.com wrote:
> 	Been trying to replace the front strut cartridges in my daughter's 
> car. The struts on the car show some significant rust, so I intend to replace 
> them. We've got the cartridges in hand, ready to go in. 
> 	Took a pair of struts off a parts car, but can't get the caps off to 
> let me remove the old cartridges. One of the caps is welded in place, so I 
> know why I can't get that one off.  :-(    If push comes to shove I guess I 
> can always grind off enough metal to free them.
> 	Anyway, does anyone have a pair of front struts for sale? Wouldn't 
> necessesarily have to have the springs (but if you have some aftermarket, let 
> me know...) The price will determine how much more effort I put into getting 
> the caps off the ones I have on hand.
> 	As always, many thanks.
> 	--ml