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Re: Chip information
And subject to notice:
Your car have a 200kPa boostsensor and at sea level
you run 1.8 Bar boost. The boostsensor have to be exchanged
to 250kPa.
If not - your boost map are overrun and the cpu slows down performance
for safety reasons.
This boostsensor exchange is included at IA and you got a new boostmap chip
a new timing/fuel injection chip.
Soldering is needed even if the chips go into sockets.
And to Avram:
The ecu consist of 2 boards with resistors, driver transistors for
fuelinjectors and
wastegate control valve, memory chips for storing information AND a cpu.
The board receives input from those 25 or more sensor around the car just to
name altitude, engine temp, engine rev, boost, knocking sensors, throttle
massflow sensor etc.
The boost map chip is a chip with a look up table just storing information.
The same is the fuel chip. They gives information to the cpu of how to react
uppon input from the different sensors.
Most system are using mass sensor and perhaps lamda readings when cruising
no special boost and rev's.
The boost map chip tell's the cpu how to manage the waste gate control
Above 4000 rpm and full throttle the fuel injection is monitored from the
boost and rpm's to calculate the need for fuel.
That's why the cpu depend on the boost map and fuel/ignition chip.
But if the engine temp sensor tell you have to high an engine temp - or the
rev.' sensor is malfunktioning the cpu desides to cut boost to protect turbo
That's the principples - in very rough words
OK long story
----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
Fra: Claus Vegener <vegener@post7.tele.dk>
Til: <JMeckem@aol.com>
Cc: quattro audifans <quattro@audifans.com>
Sendt: 28. juli 1999 09:54
Emne: Re: Chip information
> I will go for Intended Accelerations - it just works; but as I have
> promised to this list:
> In just 6 hours from now, I know the exact enhancement
> because the 200QT20V Avant 1990 is booked for
> a 4-whell teststand, and I will share the results.
> I had the same test done March this spring with standard
> chip and boost sensor -
> Claus
> ----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
> Fra: <JMeckem@aol.com>
> Til: <quattro@audifans.com>
> Sendt: 28. juli 1999 02:31
> Emne: Chip information
> > Hey listers, I want to install a chip and spring in my 91TQ. It is a
> perfect
> > car with 62k on the odo. I live at a very high altitude and want the
> > performance between 3000 and 5000 rpm. My question is, should I buy
> one
> > of the usual suspects or is there someone who can modify my CPU or chip
> and
> > save me some $$$ by sending it away and waiting for it to return before
> using
> > the car?
> >
> > Any input would be appreciated.
> >
> > Meck
> >
> >