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Re: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP)

> The above [names] have been changed to protect the innocent.  Think about it:
> if the failure ratio is anywhere near as high as our list members report on a
> regular basis, we all need to have our heads examined (or magnafluxed).

You can't calculate the failure ratio based only on reported problems. 
You also need to know about the cars that are running with no trouble.

EG, when did someone last post, "so far this year all I've had to do is
replace one simple relay"?

or, "another year with no mech. problems.  Great!"

Nope, that person you won't hear from, until their bomb starts leaking
or windows fail to operate.  On their 15 year old car with 250,000

Although a good magnafluxing will do wonders for one's attitude I'm

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 84 4kq; 85 Coupe GT