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Yet another monkey?
Some of you will be aware that the engine of my Ur-q was wrecked by a loose
crank centre bolt and my theory as to the monkey who didn't tighten it
Well today I've come across something else which I think points at the same
monkey. As the engine is out of the car I'm going to tidy the bodywork a
bit, so I powerwashed all the road dust, oil, etc etc out of the engine
compartment and have discovered that right in the centre of the front panel,
near the bottom so usually hidden by the bumper/air dam is a patch of burnt
paint. The patch lines up with where the centre of the vibration damper
would be when the engine is in the car.
Now, I _may_ be leaping to a false conclusion but try following me on this -
above mentioned monkey tries to remove the crank centre bolt so that he can
fit a new cambelt. Despite applying what he considers to be a huge torque he
can't break the bolt loose so he figures that it is frozen. Applies heat via
a propane or oxy torch and scorches the paint in the process.
What do you think?
Jim Haseltine