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Re: Driveshafts & CV Joints
Could have been Raxles?
Couple years ago, before I started thinking about doing such repairs myself
on my cars, I did a Yahoo search for CV joints while looking for boots for
a noncomputer pal who had an old off-road 4 X 4 cycle and needed to fix
ripped boots before he went back into the swamps. There were several
suppliers I found. Didn't save anything from then but you might go looking
that way.
Kneale Brownson
At 11:05 AM 8/2/99 -0400, Don Muirhead wrote:
>Ran into (figuratively speaking) an Audi ('87.5 coupe/'95 S4) owner from NC
>last night. We were chatting about our common interests, blah, blah,
>blah.... He was telling me he replaced CV's and driveshafts in his coupe
>purchased from a company in the US called ? axles (beer might have
>distorted hearing and/or memory of name). He thought they were great,
>better than the beer and the OEM product.
>Since I'm due to change the CV's in the coupe, I thought I'd ask the dumb
>question - any idea who is he talking about and if so are the CV's and
>driveshafts as good as he claimed.
>'99 A4
>'96 S6
>'86 CGT x 2