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Re: Shogun Pump Wiring

> Two of these wires (both red) went to one terminal and were on
> what appears to be the positive side - I assumed one wire was
> hot and one going on to something else. My volt meter agreed.

Yep, that's right, as I remember.

> I assumed that the other wire (red w/ blk stripe) was a
> switched ground - however, when I check things with my volt
> meter, I find things are always hot between the aforementioned
> red wire and this supposed switched ground. So, if I connect
> the after run pump it will always run.  However, the after run
> fan does not run (unless I cross the wires at the temp
> sensor).

That is indeed supposed to be a switched ground, to turn the pump on.

> Is the ground indeed switched for the pump? Where is it
> switched? Is it possible that this switch is stuck closed, or
> have I developed a short to ground somewhere on the ground
> side of the after run pump circuit?

The after-run relay switches the fan and pump at the same times.
Electrically, there's some separation between the two tasks, though; it
merely turns on the 1st stage fan relay, while it directly switches the
pump. That seems to suggest that something went wrong in your after-run
relay when you were working on it.

The relay is inside the car, in the main panel by the driver's left knee.
I think it's on the second row, near the door chime. There's often a fried
transistor in there, replaceable with a Radio Shack TIP 31, but that
usually causes the pump _not_ to come on ever. Perhaps it can fail in your
way as well?

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 155k