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Which H&Rs? That's the question...
I am profoundly confused. I am still looking for the correct H&R springs
for my '97 S6.
1. Scott and Graydon advise to get the V8: 29921
2. Jim Blau sez: 29826.2
2a. Jim Blau sez: 29826.1 are also the right ones
3. Oliver at H&R sez: 29771
The spreadsheet from Tire Rack shows:
1. 29921 for '88-'94 V8, Type D11
2. 29826.2 for '95-'97 A6, 5+6cyl (2WD)
2a. 29826.1 for '92-'95 100/s/cs, 5+6cyl (2WD)
3. 29771 for 6/94-up S6 Plus Q, Type Q1
My comments are below in the same order.
1. If Scott and Graydon say that that's the cat's mew, it probably is.
Pricey though.
2. The A6 5cyl was always a quattro yet they say it's a 2WD. But if it's
for a 2WD my car's gonna sag in the back since quattro adds weight.
2a. See above, only for the 100. What puzzles me here is 2. and 2a.
cover the same exact car. Why there is a need for two different springs
3. S6 Plus Q has the heavier (V8) engine so the springs for that car
should be stiffer than those needed for my plain-jane S6.
I am leaning toward the 29826.2 as they are said to lower the car by
1.75" FR and 1.5" RR.
Jim sez that he sold a few 29826.2 to the listers. Could any of the
buyers comment on the results? Understeer if any, handling, rake?
Or should I just get the Eibachs while they last?
Igor Kessel
Two turbo quattros.