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Monkey Lads strike again!!!

Well, today, the Monkey Lads did another work..

I went to a tire shop to get my new tires mounted on my new rims. The
first thing that happens, is that the lad just puts the rims right on
the concrete floor, scratching the paint on the inside. Not that big
case, but not good. When I arrived to pick them up, I just put them in
the car and went home. There, I discovered some more things: The lad
didn't see/didn't care about the directional pattern on the tires,
mounting them so I got 4 right wheels and no left wheels.. :-(
In addition, he installed the balancing weights on the outside of the
wheel, but i picked them off and reattached them 0.3 inches towards
the middle of the wheel, getting them on the inside of the "lip".
Don't think this matters, as all reputable tire mounters install the
weights on the inside of the lip. 

Will go back tomorrow and get two of the tires installed the "correct"
way.. The DOT marking out, right direction..