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How to get an A4 1.8T Avant Quattro in Canada?

Anyone know how to get an A4 1.8T Avant Quattro in Canada?

My dad would really like to buy one, but none of the dealers seem to be
able to get one.  They have given various reasons.  One of the reasons
was Canadian bumper laws prevented importing it.  He called Audi of
America, and was told that bumper laws were indeed a problem, but that
there was a fix available.  Still, all that the local (Vancouver BC
area) dealers seem to be able to do is suggest a Pasat wagon, or an A6
(which is only availible in automatic and the entire family preffers
stick).  Audi of America suggested that the car could be bought in the
US, and imported, so my father called a Bellingham area Audi dealer,
where he was told that they were unable to sell to him because they had
agreements on "territory".

Buying a new car shouldn't be this hard!

Anyways, I was woundering if anyone had any further information, or if
any other Canadian have managed to get an A4 avant?  Anyone heard
rumours of future A4 Avant availibility in Canada?

For now he's also looking at A Subaru Legacy GT Wagon.  Not really a
great substitute, but seems to be the next best thing available.  The
dealer said there are no more '99s available, and the 2000s would be
auto only, but they probably could special order a stick.  Now if only
Audi dealers would do special orders...