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Re: 2.5 L I-5 Ok, WHO's done it...

thanks for the info. besides going to Rapid Parts or European Import
Performance for Eurospec sports toys, can you recomend someone that carries
their stuff? They don't run ads in European Car Mag. anymore and didn't
know what happened to them?
90 80Q...nologies/amp
86 QSW...SS/Brullen muffler, 4-sale

> From: OorQue@aol.com
> To: AudiQtroCp@aol.com; vw-audisport@worldnet.att.net;
> Subject: Re: 2.5 L I-5  Ok, WHO's done it...
> Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 18:22
> > All i want to know is who has done it successfully, I want to know who 
> knows 
> >  what pieces to use, not just what they heard.   I have been craving
> >  project for a couple years now, but can never seem to locate all the
> on 
> >  it.
> Eurospec offers a 2.6L kit (crank & pistons) for approx. $2k or so but as
> understand it, it's designed for the non-turbo 20V I-5 motors.  I have a 
> Eurovan shortblock in my garage and am in the final stages of putting 
> together a 2.5L motor for my '89 200q and/or '85 Ur-Q.  Stay tuned...
> JG