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Re: urq with 2bennett mc triumphant return... and...
In message <012001bee9b1$f8e2d110$285d369d@redmond.corp.microsoft.com> "Joseph Rae" writes:
> Having seen very closely 2 cars done by 2bennent One being Duane Hales old
> car, with the custom core support, I do not like it, It does not fit right,
> makes the grill stick out about 1/2 inch farther then it should, is ugly on
> the black car, and you loose the hood latch.
I'm not sure what "core support" means. Is this what we call the
removeable transom on the later ur-quattros?
Phil Payne
UK Audi quattro Owners Club
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 0870 0883933