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Re: who hid the spark module?
-----Original Message-----
From: Dupree, Jim <dupree@alldata.com>
Check under the carpet by your left knee...that's where mine is.
>If I remember correctly (big "if" here) it should be in the top of the
> the 84 5ks has a problem of frequently not starting either
>hot or cold.
> it's currently in the no-start mode and the vacuum lines
>seem ok, there is
> fuel getting to the cylinders (wet plugs if i continue
>cranking) but the
> spark seems weak. i replaced the complete dist from the
>wagon which runs, to
> eliminate hall sender and leads..same no start. i want to
>exchange the spark
> module because its acting a lot like a dodge van i had years
>ago and in that
> case the module was the culprit. i have checked the timing
>at the piston,
> camshaft, flywheel and distributor. all are correct.
> where the heck is the spark module? haynes says it's
>on the firewall
> beside the heater, bentley doesn't say where. the only thing
>on the firewall
> is dirt and things that are obviously not a spark
>module...then again my
> eyes are old. help please.
> mike
> 86 5kcdtq, tap chip sjm spring
> 84 5ks
> 84 5ksw
> many cyclops bicycles