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RE: re Re: 2.2 I-5 Mods

kirby wrote
> >  
> >  I doubt that the airflow restriction at the intake is more than a few
> >  percent of that in the exhaust, considering the different mass flows.
> The
> >  impovement here, even with cold shielding, should be minimal.
oorque wrote:
> When I did this, I also swapped to an early-style airbox lid with dual
> inlets 
> ('84 or '85, as I recall), deleted the cold-start flapper and all of the 
> ductwork, and ran additional ducting to the grill to make more cold air 
> available ... I guess that's more than just a K&N filter but it's cheap,
> easy 
> and effective.  The airbox lid cost $5.00 and I bought a pair of  VW
> Beetle 
> heater duct tubes for $2.00 for the run from the airbox to grill.  
And kirby responds:
	And how "effective" was it?  I suggest that the exhaust is longer,
blocked by cats, and has more mass flow at a much higher absolute
temperature.  Have any listers ever measured the pressure drop between
ambient and the intake side of the air cleaner?  That would be most telling.

	Also, in cold climates, the hot-air inlet is used to avoid intake
icing.  It is inadvisable to defeat its purpose when temperatures are near
