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RE: towing revisited - 99/00 a4 1.8t avant

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, James Marriott wrote:

]I would hope to think so. Audis (or German cars in general) aren't made for
]"stoplight" racing like Amero-mobiles. 

	heh, diddn't stop me from smoking a bmw last night on
	divisadero in no fewer than 6 1-3 block drag races.
	nice and late at night, so no traffic.  the guy was
	*so* pathetic, in is cabriolet, he wouldn't even look
	over at me, or his poor little jack russel terrier.
	he couldn't even stay ahead of me for more than half 
	of my own first gear windup when he cheated and got a 
	full car length ahead of me by running into the red
	as the opposing direction was yellow.  sure, it was 
	just a weak 325i, though i'm sure *he* diddn't think
	that, especially against an '83 *audi*.  heh.  i
	*love* this about my car.

 rocky mullin
 two strokes are faster than four!
 this message was composed using the vi editor.
 '83 ur-q - yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 -  chaotic good