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Re: 91 200Q 20V Trouble Codes Help
At 07:59 AM 08/24/1999 -0600, Russ Southerlin wrote:
>Subject: 91 200Q 20V. Question: Is the process for pulling trouble
>codes the same as the standard 200Q - as described on Scott Mockery's
>web page. I can pull the codes just fine (I keep getting the 2121, idle
>switch code) but I can not seem to get the output tests to work - when I
>do the output test (jumper in and then key on) all I get is a 4411 code
>which isn't listed as a valid code and when I try to step through them
>nothing happens.
The output tests for the 20V Turbo are different, go to
for specific details.
Scott Mockry