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Re: MAC-14???
I hear if you install it in a 4kq, it'll fire off it's whole 30 round
clip in less than 3 seconds!
Whoops! Wrong MAC-14. [8^)
Love, Like, or Just Plain Tolerate,
`85 4kq (Cold Bustin' Caps)
`82 & `86 CGT (Out of Ammo)
On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 19:06:52 EDT PlyBoyDoct@aol.com writes:
> I have heard MAC 14 so many times and NOW I realize that it is the
> DUH! I heard if you put another MAC into the car, I get better
> performance,
> is that true, and what MAC is it?
> Jason C
> 89 200t10v
> Redmond WA