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Re: Bad O2 sensor / high fuel consumption?

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999 20:35:05 +0100, Jim Haseltine

- ----- Original Message -----
From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook@traverse.com>

>> Ahhhhh, it's the REST of Europe that refers to LPG (liters/gal), and the
>> Brits that have to be so oblique about their MPG, even though they tend to
>> refer to great parts prices in GBlbs.  <G>
>Litres/Gallon? I've always used 4.54. Unless you are talking about Liquid
>Petroleum Gas...
>Try Litres/100Km.
>[ ... ]
>Nostalgia looms - how about those of us based in Britain start quoting
>prices in £sd? Should be good for a laugh....

Shouldn't list members from the Empire be quoting in Euros these days?
Or at least in shillings per cubic hectare?

DeWitt Harrison
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq
87 635CSi (Sorry. It just, like, happened.)