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Re: Wow...what can I say! (MH99-Friday)

Wolff wrote:

> Um, then you were standing right next to me! I had on a white Audisport
> hat, grey T shirt with quattro script and black jeans. I also had a
> plastic bag tied to my waist which I was carrying my freshly "Bobby
> Unser" autographed Historics program. Great day indeed!
> Wolff

Wow, that is weird. That means I actually talked to you. I had the camcorder. :)
I wish the nametag thing got straightened out. One of my comments to the guy I
was walking around with was" You know, Ill bet I know 99% of the people here by
name but not by face"
Also chatted with Jay Leno after they fired up the Silver Arrow. Those things
sounded AWESOME!
