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RE: Gray market import S8?

Actually, those who went to MH99 could have seen an S8 that was created by
starting with an A8 and adding all the S8 pieces.  Scott Mockry had some
interesting stories about putting it together.  He kept the tiptronic
because knee problems caused him to get rid of his S4 for the A8 ... The
owner told me that there is someone else who has done this back in the great
lakes area ... don't remember where now.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Virtual Bob [mailto:hey9811@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Sunday, August 29, 1999 8:22 PM
> To: Quattro List
> Subject: RE: Gray market import S8?
> > > Is it possible?  Anyone done it?  Know if it can be 
> done....keeping my
> > > future ideas open here, thats all :)
> > It's probably easier to buy an A8 and then get the parts to 
> make it into an
> > S8.  The most difficult part would probably be the tranny.
> > Not an inexpensive solution but importing an S8 yourself 
> wouldn't be either.
> I believe there's a dude in alt.autos.audi or the rec.autos.* 
> who claims
> to have S8 here in the U.S... If it's true or not, nobody knows.
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