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RE: No A2 ur-q's at MH99

At 12:01 PM 8/31/99 -0700, you wrote:
>... I for one am _very_ glad he did not!  Even though I shared in the
>enthusiasm that Wolff expressed on the earlier post (I never did check the
>speedo to see how fast we were going but some said they went as 65 ... I
>probably was there too) overall the participant comported themselves well
>enough so that we came away with some very good impressions with the
>management of both the track management and that of General Racing.

Well I plead ignorance on this topic, I only made it into 3rd once.  My 
"pre-race" instructions only said don't pass and keep a consistent distance 
in front of you.  No speed limit as I recall.  I did hear on the FRS 
whether somebody had the right "line" or not thru the turns ;-)
