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Re: FYI: AoA's News release on MH '99 (dumb)

Parsec: a unit of steller distance, equal to about 3.25 light years (3.08 *
10^16 metres), the distance at which the mean radius of the earth's orbit
subtends an angle of one second of arc.

I don't understand it either. *s*

>Han Solo never claimed to be an engineer.  :)
>(Neither did George Lucas.)
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: -=Bob=- [mailto:mx@snet.net]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 11:02 AM
>>>To: Wooster
>>>Cc: Browning David (TVCS); 'Levis-Fithian, Jeff E'; 'Quattro-List'
>>>Subject: Re: FYI: AoA's News release on MH '99 (dumb)
>>>Wooster wrote:
>>>> If the S1 could do PP in 11secs.. then the 200 IMSA car
>>>could certainly do
>>>> the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs...
>>>But a parsect is a measurement of distance, not time..