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Re: Toluene vs. Toulene
In a message dated 09/01/1999 1:29:54 PM !!!First Boot!!!, rmyers@inetone.net
> t 08:14 AM 09/01/1999 EDT, you wrote:
> >They are probably the same just a misprint somewhere.
> Indeed.
> >Toluene is a volatile additive that can boost various grades of gasoline
> >to 20 points. Usually used in drag racing only because it is corrosive to
> >fuel lines and is very hygrophilic (sp?) that is, it attracts water.
> Negative! It is hydrophobic. A certain very small amount of water will
> sometimes be found in it. It is my understanding that significant levels
> of toluene are found in most European gasolines. Any of you from across
> the pond care to confirm that?
> >When
> >uncapping a can it should be done in low humidity conditions and used
> >Otherwise it loses it's effectiveness through water absorption from the
> >atmosphere and it vaporizes very quickly.
> Negative again! It does evaporate fairly quickly. It boils at 108C. A
> trace amount of water will only help achieve the desired effect of
> increasing fuel octane ratings. This is what is done with water injection
> into the intake manifold.
> >A few SCCA racers I know have tried this with less than spectacular
> >mainly because the Toluene vaporizes out of the fuel mixture before the
> >of a race, leaving them with only whatever grade gas they started with.
> If true, then there must be some other reason - 108C BP? This compares
> quite well with many common components of gasoline.
> >If I remember correctly, SUNOCO has this information on their Racing
> >website.
> >
I never said my memory was perfect... but I do specifically remember the part
about rapid vaporization from the Sunoco site and the remark about limited
usefulness. I do not now, nor have I ever, represented myself as an expert on
fuels. I refer any and all listers to the Sunoco website as the authority.
The Sunoco site also covers other additives people have tried to get cheap
Mike Torio