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Re: E-brake adjustment? / (bit long)
Had the same problem about a year ago and tried the same approach first with
no success. With the spring taken off you can work out the shaft
(vertically, out of the caliper) by approx. 10 mm using a srewdriver. This
exposes the rusted surface of the shaft. The shaft gets stuck inside the
caliper because the rust enlarges the diameter of the shaft. So take off the
rust from the shaft, grease it and push it back in.
The shaft can be taken out completely but this requires that the caliper
piston is taken out (screwed out counter-clockwise).
There are also stronger pullback-springs available from a Ford-model. The
part numbers must be in the archives.
Best regards,
_/_/_/_/_/ pepe@z.zgs.de \_\_\_\_\_
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Schulz <schulz@iatcmail.ed.ray.com>
To: Dan Hamren <dan@magnitude-electronics.com>
Cc: <audi-20v@emailsol.com>; quattro <quattro@audifans.com>; 200
<200q20v@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>; <nugen@together.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: E-brake adjustment? / (bit long)
> Dan Hamren wrote:
> > Hi Guys-Just a quickie... my e-brake barely works. Where is the
> > adjustment screw? More questions to come! bare with me! Also it was
> > nice meeting all of you (whom I meet) this weekend. It made me feel
> > good after buying the coupe sight unseen to have the 20v guys around
> > it checking it out saying how nice it was. There are a bunch of
> > things it need however! (3B?) And I want to make a proper post later
> > when I get home, gotta jet be back soon Dan Hamren
> Errr Dan...
> Proceed with caution. You say that your e-brake barely works.
> Don't rush to adjust the screw....First make sure that the e brake cams
> on the rear
> calipers actually work . I had a similar feel to my CQs handbrake,
> having to pull it
> higher and higher, with little or no resistance, in order to set the
> emergency brake.
> I did the following last Sunday...
> E-brake off, car in gear, front wheel block by a wheel chock, jack up
> the
> rear of the car by using the subframe as a jack point. Place jackstands
> on either
> OF THE CAR_ before lowering the jack and getting under the car!
> Under the car, follow the e-cable to the rear calipers...they attach to
> a cam which also
> has a circular spring held in place by a slot in the cam and a 10mm
> bolt. The cam is
> attached to a shaft internal to the caliper. This shaft, in turn,
> applies mechanical pressure
> on the rear caliper piston.
> That shaft is not protected externally by a boot and tends to collect
> rust. The rust
> prevents the spring from tensioing the cam, which in turn gives little
> or no
> feedback to the handbrake- hence the "out of adjustment feel".
> I carefully compressed the
> spring and removed it, then pulled the e-brake cable out of the cam
> slot. I found
> that the cam could barely be moved when I gripped it with a pair of
> pliers.
> I liberally sprayed Wurth Rost off around the cam shaft and worked the
> cam
> back and forth to it's limit stops repeatedly. I let the Rost Off soak
> in for a while,
> then moved the cam. I did this repeatedly over the next few hours,
> taking breaks
> to perform other maintenance. Before I reinstalled the spring, the cam
> was easy
> to work back and forth- now the spring was able to apply tension and
> feedback to
> the handbrake. It only takes a few clicks to now set the brake.
> I will repeat the procedure again this weekend, and then apply some
> brake
> grease to the exposed part of the cam shaft.
> I had a similar, but worse problem with the TQW- Setting the ebrake
> would cause
> the drivers (left side) rear brake caliper to freeze the caliper piston,
> and I would
> half to get under the car with a pry bar and, err hammer, to "unlock"
> the cam.
> It turned out that the e-brake cam shaft was too corroded for me to use
> the above method, and I ended up having to install rebuilt rear
> calipers...
> Ray Tomlinson helped me replace the old and install the rebuilt
> calipers.
> We liberally coated the cam side of the shaft, and the other side of the
> caliper
> where the shaft barely pokes out of the caliper body, with high temp
> synthetic
> brake grease. I intend to put this on the list of yearly "maintenance"
> items.
> Interestingly enough, both on both cars, the driver's side rear caliper
> was in
> much worse shape than the passenger side- I expected the opposite, as in
> the
> US, most of the road crap and puddles tend to be on the right side of
> the
> road, towards the shoulder.
> -Peter Schulz
> 1990 CQ
> 1991 200 TQW
> schulz@res.ray.com