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Re: flight dynamics of Model Year 2100 Audi (slim Audi content)
> Harking back to the beginnings of this thread, we now know, thanks to Mike's
> detailed description of space-flight physics, why Lucas shows his space-born
> fighters banking and turning like aircraft. Imagine how boring a realistic
> representation of a space dogfight would be. You get one pass and wait a few
> hours (or days depending on initial speed) to slow down, stop, and come
> back. Either that or all parties stop and pound each other until one side
> blows up. Success depends on initial strategy and technology, not the
> inherent hand/eye co-ordination of the hero(ine). Hardly the stuff of great
> theatre!
Unless you're a fan of naval battles... big ships laying to and pounding
each other with cannon, perhaps while small fast manouverable craft
(Audi content?) pester them from all sides...
Huw Powell
82 Audi Coupe; 84 4kq; 85 Coupe GT; 73 F250