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Re: More Cold Start Problems (aka Injector Health)
Speaking of Techron, if you always use Chevron gas, will you need to use an
additional bottle of this?
>From: Steve Sherman <Steve.Sherman@nsc.com>
>To: quattro@audifans.com
>CC: Maria & George <getur@bellatlantic.net>
>Subject: More Cold Start Problems (aka Injector Health)
>Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 11:55:31 -0600
>Many thanks to those who have replied to my first post.
>Into the beginning of my second can of Techron (sp?) FI cleaner, the
>cold starting problem has gone away again. Warm mornings (65F), cold
>mornings (40F) the car now starts in 1sec of cranking...
>So I'd like to reframe my question. If I need a can or two of Techron
>cleaner every few months (4 or so) to keep the injectors/fuel system
>working right, is this normal. Do I need to switch gas brands, are my
>injectors nearing the end of their lives???
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