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Re: Cryogenically Frozen Rotors
I saw a portion of a program once ( I might actually have it on tape
too) on Discovery about a company that freezes items down to absolute
zero and then warms them back up. According to the show, metal seems to
be "harder" and more able to endure stress. They mentioned "freezing"
entire engines for racers, and musical instruments too. In both cases,
the end users claim better performance from the "frozen" article.
So, if they are doing it properly, it should be a viable upgrade.
Jim Calore wrote:
> Listers -
> Has anyone out there ever used cryogenically
> frozen rotors? These guys
> <http://www.frozenrotors.com/> perform this
> service, and will also supply the rotors,
> cross-drill them, and machine gas grooves too if
> you want. They will also use your rotors.
> Supposed to greatly increase the life of the
> rotors too.
> This outfit was discussed on the Bronco List and
> Offroad.com, and is used by some serious off-road
> vehicles.
> Might be a good option for Audis with unusual
> rotor designs that you can't find good
> aftermarket rotors for.
> - Jim
> 89 200TQ
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