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Re: Cryogenically Frozen Rotors

Nit-picking here, but it should be -273°C, or -460°F (rounded).  The
article I was reading took the block down to -320°F (-220°C) and up to
360°F (205°C) several times over 72 hours.


At 07:13 AM 9/10/1999 -0500, Todd Young wrote:
>Ok, Ok, so maybe it's not "absolute" zero. :-)
>As someone else pointed out, it's pretty hard to get something down to
>ablsolute zero, which if memory serves me, is something on the order of
>I beleive they use (as previously stated) liquid nitrogen to bring the temp
>down, but it's not instantaneous. The entire process, cooling and warming
>back up, takes somewhere around 8 or more hours depending on the mass of the
>item.  The company featured in the video I saw explained how they use temp
>sensors within the container and a program to regulate the speed of cooling
>and warming to prevent stress fractures.
>Virtual Bob wrote:
>> > I saw a portion of a program once ( I might actually have it on tape
>> > too) on Discovery about a company that freezes items down to absolute
>> > zero and then warms them back up. According to the show, metal seems to
>> > ...
>> So how do you get things to absolute zero? Sounds weird to me.
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>Quote for the day:
>Of course I don't look busy, I did it right the first time.
>Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
>tyoung@wamnet.com       655 Lone Oak Drive, Bldg#A
>651-256-5051            Eagan, MN 55121
>800-585-1133 ext.5051   http://www.wamnet.com/
>'93 Audi 90S(|___\====OOOO====/___|)