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RE: Plastic Fantasies

I've seen one in the Redmond, WA area painted like a dalmation.

>From: Decsi Miklos <MDecsi@pgsm.hu>
>To: "'Tom Juliani'" <rallyquattro@yahoo.com>, quattro@audifans.com
>Subject: RE: Plastic Fantasies
>Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 04:29:09 +0200
> >> Well, at least in my case, we wanted to do something that most people
> >> have anyway...Something that if it broke or wore out or looked stupid, 
> >> wouldn't really matter anyway.
> >
> >Get a Yugo... or get a life!
>You really have Yougos there? I don't believe it. Is it really the
>(formely)Yougoslavian made car?

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