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Re: bronco busting

> I've long thought they were the real reason for the 55 mph limit.  Any
> faster, and Einstein couldn't read some of 'em.

Actually, Einstein started out a very poor reader. Didn't learn to read
(or was it speak?) until he was 6 years old or something. The theory is
that because of this, he later wasn't constrained to think about things
by applying word tags to them as us "normal" folk do. 
   None of this helps us with our road signs over here. It took me some
getting used to driving when I was in Germany. If there was a sign for
an exit off the Autobahn that I wanted, I learned that it meant exit
right now. In the US there are often 3 or 4 sign before each exit so
that even the most in attentive driver gets a chance to see it.
(and I'm not sure what the signs "Slower Traffic Keep Right" are for
over here. It's a real waste of aluminum and paint, since no one that I
have been behind reads them.)