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Re: Re: what is the diference between KL and WC?

In a message dated 9/12/99 10:38:01 PM, Ragnampiza@aol.com wrote:

<<Ok the website this info was posted on is not there anymore so I'll post 
lists of specs.....It includes audi 5cyl motors available to the local 
German, Swiss,US & Swedish markets....It is incomplete and is missing motor 
JT & KL & a few others (like the mighty aluminium 20v from the sport q{315 
hp})I'm sure.......

you'll have to e-mail me for more info as I have to type this because I do 
not have a scanner...or file.....

you'll also have to use full browser window to make sense.....

ID#       HX          KG          JY         KP        KU         KZ        
MC        NF          PX          RT       SL        WC
 YRS   84.08      83.08    83.08   84.08   84.08   84.08       85.08    85.08 
     85.08     88.01  86.02    82.08
         -87.12     -88.01  -88.01 -90.11 -90.11 -86.09    -90.11  -90.11     
-88.07   -90.11 -87.12   -84.07

CC      2.3          2.14        2.14        2         2.3      2.23      
2.23      2.3        2.23       2           2           2.14

HP       138         182         182      115       138     115       165     
  136        120       115      113        136

TQ      185          252          252      170      185      165       240    
   190       172        172      165        180

COMP.  10/1        8.8/1       8.8/1    10/1     10/1     8.5/1   7.8/1     
10/1      8.5/1     10/1  10/1    9.3 /1
TURBO    NO           YES          Y            N         N        N          
   Y           N              N        N           Y          N 

CAT        N              N            N           N          N            Y  
          Y           Y             Y        Y          Y        N   
O2           N               N            N          N           N        Y   
          Y             Y               Y        N        N        N

ID#       WH             WU              KH               1B            2B    
YRS     82.08         83.08         83.08           88.02         88.02       
           -84.07       -86.O7        -86.07        -90.11      -90.11       

CC          1.9            2.14           2.23            2.23          2.23  

HP          100           105           141              200       190        

TQ           150          152           202             270          270      

COMP       10/1        8.2/1         8.3/1        8.6/1           8.6/1       

TURBO        N              N               Y                Y                
Y              Y 

CAT           N               Y                Y                N             
   N              Y

O2              N               Y                Y               N            
     N              Y

If you need more info about a particular code ....such as B X S.....valve 
timing, Injection type, or ignitions

sorry things did not line up like I planned..............

I'v added an attachment.....if that doesn't work....try to line things up as 
good as possible......ei....HX motor years covered 84.08-87.12     the start  
date has nothing in front and the end date has a - in front
