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Re: 2.5/2.6l (was k24/26 hybrid aka RS2)

> Somehow i thought that the beauty of using the 2.5l block, was reuse of 
> pistons and pistonrods etc. wich allready is made for turbo engines..

Well, you can reuse them if you want to but since I'm planning to go for the 
300hp barrier and wanted to run as long a rod ratio as possible, it made 
sense to replace them now rather than later.  Also, keep in mind that I'm 
*not* using the 2.5L block, as its additional deck height requires other 
modifications be made in order for it to fit under the hood.  Due to this, I 
had to have the pistons custom-made regardless since I had to specify pin 
heights, etc. so they would work with the BMW-spec rods I had leftover from 
another project.  

>  -Oil-squirters ?

The 2.5L block already has them installed as did the 2.3L non-turbo block I 

>  What is the diff. btw. 2.5 and 2.6l ?

100cc?  :^)  Actually, most 2.5L motors are really closer to 2.4L and are 
built using a 92.8mm stroke crank; 2.6L are built using the 95.5mm crank.
>  My interest in this is that i will have to do *something* to my block in 
> near future. a swap to 2.5l would be nice, so i'd appreciate anyone who can 
> give me an idea of the size of this project, in comparison to doing a 
> complete overhaul on the I5 turbo-block.

Unless you intend to use the complete 2.5L motor, this isn't a simple bolt-in 
conversion since the block requries some machine work to accomodate a turbo 
installation and this is best done with it disassembled.