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Re: bad news

That's really scary, Dan.  People sometimes get swept away by the power of
the water when flooding like this occurs and they don't realize how strong
a pull the current has. Glad to hear YOU'RE OK, and hopefully the car will
be all right too.  

Kneale Brownson

At 09:31 PM 9/16/99 -0400, Dan Simoes wrote:
>Wet news.
>As you have seen on the news, the NY area got hit by Trpoical Storm
>Floyd tonight.  Don't believe the reports that say it was mild here.
>On the way home from getting Chinese food, I opted
>to take the back roads since the main road was already flooded out.
>Bad choice - from what I gathered, the road collapsed at the point
>where my poor CQ was sitting.  Once the car stalled (water over the
>hood) that was it.
>I had to roll down the window, toss my food on the roof, and climb
>out.  Then, swimming to safety in what appeared to be rapids
>was a challenge.  From there, swimming across the McDonalds
>parking lot, and then inside, where I got to hang out with 20 other
>stranded people and the staff.  Unreal.
>I'll figure out the extent of the damage tomorrow.  I'm hoping the car
>is just wet and not hydrolocked.
>Needless to say, those of you who were about to buy the car will have
>to wait and see what happens.
>Dan Simoes