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Re: Vehicle importing - Question for Canadian listeners
> Of course, if you're talking outside the Audi-hood then I might be more
easily swayed to your side... ;-)
Alas, I was indeed thinking about a non-Audi car ... say what you will, but
someday, I'd like to have a Fiat Dino in my garage, alongside of a late '60s
vintage Merc 600, an NSU Ro80 (okay, it's kind of like an Audi) and a Ford
Cosworth, not to mention at least a dozen others. (I just discovered there's
a house less than a mile from where I live where the owner has over 40 --
Yes, 40! -- cars in his garage, along with his own maintenance/restoration
shop and a handful of full-time employees. Must be nice...)
Some of these cars can be found in the U.S. but usually not in the same
condition or as cheap as those overseas...