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Re: type 44 leaking sunroof

In a message dated 09/20/1999 08:42:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
sbigelow@sprint.ca writes:

>  Firstly, my sunroof doesn't work. It's "bits are stripped".
>  Secondly, it leaked standing water all over me today...nice and cold down 
>  back.
>  Thanks a lot, Audrey. After I just flushed your brakes!
>  B*tch.
>  Anyhoo, can I open the sunroof to open up the drains, using the as yet
>  unfound handcrank, even though the bits are stripped? (Motor grinds along
>  fine, but doesn't move the roof very well..)
>  Stephen Bigelow
>  1984 5000s "Audrey"


I would be hesitant to try and open the roof manually just to attempt to 
clean out the "drains" if it sounds like the "bits are stripped"... If you a 
sure that it is just the motor, by all means, go ahead... but I would be wary 
about doing it if one of the cables are broken.... You might as well fix it 
if you are going to go through the trouble...

( My mechanic keeps telling me he has the perfect fix for my sunroof: an 
acetylene torch and brazing rod.... He said it will never leak again...)
