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Re: I give up. Air filter change in a 4kq
In a message dated 9/22/1999 JordanVw@aol.com writes:
<< you think that's fun? try changing the air filter on a typ44 turbo...
the air filter change from hell.... >>
Not so sure I agree there. I find it alot easier to R&R the air filter on a
type 44 turbo than on the 4kq--much more room to work.
I find it quite humorous that Audi publishes info in the maintenance section
of their owner's manuals on air filter R&R (sorta) but steers clear of much
less difficult DIYS jobs.
On the 4kq I never had to go to such extreme measures, but you may want to
try through the headlight opening (remove headlight) ala ur-q. HTH
Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq