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RE: S4 Alternative?

Just curious... 

What's the deal with the PES and Audi's Warranty Policy.  Would such a transformation not nullify a new car warranty?


-----Original Message-----
From:	Buchholz, Steven [SMTP:Steven.Buchholz@kla-tencor.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, September 22, 1999 2:09 PM
To:	'qlist'
Subject:	S4 Alternative?

Perhaps to those who feel that any amount of turbo lag is unacceptable, you
can consider the PES supercharger kit on an A4/2.8.  I just saw one on a new
A4 this morning (a co-worker's car), and overall it looks like a pretty well
thought through installation.  I haven't had a chance to have a ride in the
car yet, but 280HP in an A4 has got to be a lot of fun!  

When I was at a dealer recently they told me that the A4 was going to be
available with the 2.8 and a manual transmission ... sounds like a
reasonable base for a quasi-S4 ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)