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almost there... just rotate the engine one more time. you were probably at
tdc of the exhaust cycle not the compression cycle. look in the oil filler
hole and see if the #1 tdc position has the cam lobes pointing slightly
upwards. that is the correct position. you could also check for the little
dimple on the cam gear by looking at the window on the left side of the
engine at the front. the dimple should be even with the top of the valve
cover gasket. if this is right the set the distributor with the rotor
pointing to # 1 ignition lead, and the distributor body with the notch under
the centre of the rotor..then clamp. don't forget to plug in the hall sender
and to connect the two vacuum lines.
86 5kcdtq, tap chip sjm spring
84 5ks
84 5ksw
many cyclops bicycles