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Re: Fusibale link, quick, for fan motor protection

A fusible link is nothing more than a smaller piece of wire than the one
you're trying to protect. It melts before the larger wire, protecting the
larger wire by sacrificing itself.

All you need to do is splice in a wire that's 2 gauge more numerically.

For instance, if you're trying to protect a 14 gauge wire, it's perfectly
acceptable practice to splice in a piece of 16 gauge wire. The 16 gauge wire
will melt sooner and protect the 14 gauge wire. If you want to make it look
pretty you can heat-shrink it or buy some of that fancy cloth-type wire
braiding. If you REALLY want to get fancy, make a few of them to toss in the
glovebox and crimp-connect terminal ends on them to make the replacement

There's no magic to fusible links, other than they cost more than regular
fuses. Manufacturers use them to keep from having to run the high-amp wires
all the way to the fusebox...

Greg Amy
Milford, CT

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