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RE: 2.7tt/S4 K03 or K04???


	Todd Phenneger
	1985 4000 quattro / silver / daily driver
	1983 ur-q / black / fixing it up
	1984 4000 quattro / modified/ awaiting Turbo Transplant.
	1987 4000 quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
   *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Don Muirhead wrote:

> Yes the 2.7tt has twin K03
> Don
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Todd Phenneger [SMTP:phen9461@uidaho.edu]
> Sent:	Friday, September 24, 1999 2:07 AM
> To:	quattro list
> Subject:	2.7tt/S4  K03 or K04???
> As I understand it the 1.8t 150/180hpmotor has the k03 but the 220hp
> version ahs the k04????
> 	So I'm assuming by power output alone that the 2.7tt motor has
> twin k03's???  or am I way off.  Totally different???  K04???  
> Anyone Know??? 
> 	(WHAT Am I Thinking?  Its the Q-List.  Of COURSE someone knows :-)
> L8R
> 	Todd Phenneger
> SOLD*	1985 4000 quattro / silver / daily driver
> 	1983 ur-q / black / fixing it up
> 	1984 4000 quattro / modified/ Turbo In, not runnign yet.
> 	1987 4000 quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
> 	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
>    *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!