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Re: Restarting Unused 5I Engine
Bob Gregory wrote:
> What should I do in preparation before restarting it?
> I'm sure all the metal surfaces have terminal oil
> starvation. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I've had the same question in my mind for a couple weeks. I'm
thinking (not having done this on an I5) that I would prime the
oil system by pulling the plugs and cranking the motor to get oil
pressure before trying to start the motor. This is the only way
I can come up with to spin the crankshaft-mounted oil pump fast
enough to get any pressure.
(My other thought was to use an Accusump or similar device to
pre-pressurize the system during initial startup. Anyone ever
used one of these things?)
Eric Fahlgren
The Murphy-Fahlgren Family Try to take over the world.
efhome@adams.com Canton, MI, USA