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FW: Auto Temperature System- I don't get any heat???
Scott, seems I had the exact opposite problem when I bought my 86 5KTQ.
Anytime I turned the climate control on, it would blow hot, very hot air
through the floor and defrost vents, but nothing through the dash vents.
The PO said he installed a new A/C programmer so that is not suspect.
I had to disconnect the Bowden cable that Steven talks about just so
that my feet and face wouldn't cook. After disconnecting, I manually
moved it to adjust the blend. I still have to dive into this sometime
and get it fixed for good. Recently I noticed that the lights
(temperature reading) on the A/C controls sometimes flash on and off
while driving (bad ground? suggestions on where it might be anyone?)
Regarding the computer dying, check to make sure your brake lights work.
If they don't work, then it is most likely the fuse as they are on the
same circuit.
Stephane Livolsi
180 Yorston St
Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3Z1
ph 250-392-2637
fax 250-392-2693
'86 5KTQ stock (if you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)
>From: Buchholz, Steven[SMTP:Steven.Buchholz@kla-tencor.com]
>Sent: September 25, 1999 10:16 PM
>To: 'Scott Rollins'; quattro@audifans.com
>Subject: RE: Auto Temperature System- I don't get any heat???
>Well, the climate control system in the 5kCS usually runs hot water through
>the heater core ... even when the air conditioning is running at anything
>less than max cool! I would suppose that you have one of 3 problems ...
>1) someone disconnected the heater core because of a leak
>2) someone plumbed the vacuum to the heater valve incorrectly so that it is
>closed all the time
>3) the Bowden cable for the "blend doors" is disconnected, or the motor that
>drives the cable on the A/C programmer (behind the glove box) is busted.
>While my prime suspect would be #3, the other two are easily checked by
>following the heater plumbing off the back of the engine ...
>Steve Buchholz
>San Jose, CA (USA)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Scott Rollins [mailto:scottrollins@hotmail.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 1999 3:14 PM
>> To: quattro@audifans.com
>> Subject: Auto Temperature System- I don't get any heat???
>> This is my first time using the list and from what ive been
>> told is an
>> extremely useful asset. I just hope someone can help me with
>> my dilemma. I
>> have an 86 5000 CS Turbo Quattro and i love it. However i
>> don't get any heat
>> when i use the system. All the other controls except the
>> hi/lo work. A/C
>> works too but when i turn the heat up it just blows air.
>> Someone told me
>> that it might be a rod that opens up a regulator within the
>> system but i
>> don't know where it is and what to do. Also when i was
>> driving the other
>> day the trip computer went blank. I dont know if a bulb blew
>> or what. IT
>> was there and then it faded on and off for a minute and just
>> went out.
>> Please HELP ME. Many, many thanks in advance.
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