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Re: Blue Headlights.

At 11:07 99-09-29 -0400, Brett Dikeman wrote:

>To be completely clear on this subject, these bulbs do NOTHING except 
>look stupid.  The only reason they are "brighter" is because the 
>wattage is higher.  However, the same wattage NORMAL bulb will pass 
>much more light.

Hold on a second. We are not talking here about the cheap, no brand name,
no country of manufacture, non-approved "xenon effect" bulbs. We are
talking about Philips BlueVision bulbs, which:
- are manufactured by Philips, which is a renowned and respected brand
- have standard 55W/60W wattage
- are approved for street use in Europe (E-code)
- the look blueish to the eye, but are supposed to emit *white* light, just
like the real xenon lights.

That's said, like I mentioned before, I have no personal experience with
them, no affiliation, usual disclaimers, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, but I am
considering checking them out (though to do this my car has to come out of
the body shop first :-( ). The fact that a number of manufacturers actually
sell colored bulbs designed to do nothing more than mimic real xenons at
the expense of light output and safety does not mean we have to bash every
product with "blue" in the name.
Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 5KT