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Re: Tires (was the new A6)
At 10:17 PM 9/28/99 -0400, DOUBLDz@aol.com wrote:
>I've got a question about tire pressure. My tires say 40 lbs max (I think
>40...maybe 44, does that sound right?) So what should the pressure actually
>be? As close to 40 lbs as I can make them?
>95A6q pearl
Your owner's manual should have Audi's specs, Dee, and, on all my Audi
cars, they're repeated on the inside of the gas filler door.
Generally, they're they're use-specific: Lower pressures for one or two
passengers, slower speeds, rougher roads; higher for more occupants, faster
pacing, greater loads, etc.
Kneale Brownson