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Re: Blue Headlights.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Aleksander Mierzwa <alexaudi@kki.net.pl>

> At 21:24 99-09-28 GMT, Phil Payne wrote:
> >> I have a question about the Philips - BlueVision
> >> headlight bulbs. Do anyone know how much they cost?
> >
> >In the UK, about GBP60 and three licence points.  _If_ they catch you.
> Why? I thought that in EU a product is legal to use if it's approved (has
> the E letter in the circle) and the BlueVisions certainly are. 

The UK is only part of the EU when one or more of the following apply
1) We (the British population) want to be
2) UK legislation requires it
3) EU legislation requires it

the rest of the time.....

Jim Haseltine