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Re: 90q Body Side Moldings

The upper doors moulding are held on with "super tape" and the bottom is
slide on. Remove the cap at the end and pull of the door towards the rear.
And slid new ones on.
The dealer is the only source, watch your wallet. 

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999 16:08:59 -0400, Jonathan Jagolta wrote:

> My recently purchased '88 90q's upper and lower body moldings are in
> shape.  Some are heavily scratched and some are pulling away from the
> panels.  Does anyone know of a good source to buy reasonably priced
> replacements?  By the way, how are these attached?
> Also I wanted to thank those who responded to my questions last week about
> few problems I was having.  It was my first post to the list and I was
> surprised by how many of you took the time to respond.  That's a far
> results than I've had with some car lists.  Thanks again!!
> Jay Jagolta
> Herndon, VA
> 88 90q
> 87 Porsche 944
> 90 Mercedes 260E

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