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RE: WAY off topic (was Re: nitrous in your car?)

Apologies to any offended by the "God" comment....

But you gotta admit, His Worshi...., sorry, Bob Myers, is pretty good at

> At 02:34 PM 09/30/1999 -0500, Robert P. Wunderlich, D.P.M. wrote:
> >"God" wrote:
> Oh please, Bob...  That wasn't me fer cryin' out loud.  It does wonders
> for
> the ego but I know better.  Heck, we BOTH know better.  :-)
> I'm responding off-list because I suspect that enough bandwidth has been
> expended on this subject.
> ---BFS---  This is a large variety of snip.
> Rest of response deleted for the list.  
> ___
>    Bob
> ***********************************************************************
> * Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net          Home 304-574-2372      *
> * Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP          *
> * '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244           *
> * http://www.cob-net.org/church/pvcob.htm  MediaRing Talk 304-574-1166*
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