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Re: First A6 V8
My reactiion was the same, until I talked with a couple of A8
owners in the UK last weekend. They did not mind that the ride was
firmer than their cars, but that it was uncomfortable enough to
make the interior components "rattle". I asked the dealer to check
the spring shipment supports. They did, and advised that the one I
drove was never shipped but driven to the UK. Its their demo/MD's
car and they wanted to get a full technical sales review from the
factory before delivery. It had 5,000 miles on it when I drove it
and was about 8 weeks in use. I also asked about tire pressures,
which he gave me in bar, and did not sound very high at 1.9.
> > ccohen5@compuserve.com writes:
> > The ride is so hard that they would probably fall off anyway.
> I find that hard to believe. All the reviews I've seen of the A6 4.2
> don't mention anything about hard rides. If anything, they err on
> the side of soft because the 4.2 is supposed to be the more luxurious,
> less sporting A6 compared to, say, the S6 or even the A6 2.7T.
> Someone mentioned the possibility that the dealer forgot to remove
> the suspension spring shims used to secure the car during shipping,
> and I am inclined to agree.
> -Ti
> 96 A4 2.8 quattro
> 84 5000S 2.1 turbo
> 80 4000 2.0
> --
> /// Ti Kan Vorsprung durch Technik
> /// AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
> /// ti@amb.org
> ////// http://metalab.unc.edu/tkan/
> ///