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RE: '86 4KQ vs. "86 Honda Accord

This may sound a bit "touchy-feely" for some listers but I really enjoy
the experience of owning and driving my Audi.  I am presently putting a
lot of work into it and I enjoy it.  Frustrating problems and glitches -
absolutely!  But I for one recognize that for $2400 Canadian I have
bought a very luxurious and powerful family sedan.  I live in a small
town and driving an Audi here gets looks (then again, maybe they're just
looking at the dented fender....)  It's the type of car that I feel I
will keep for a very long time.  Most other cars though, are just
transportation.  My .02.

Stephane Livolsi
180 Yorston St
Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3Z1
ph 250-392-2637
fax 250-392-2693

'86 5KTQ stock (if you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)

>From: 	JOlson1967@aol.com[SMTP:JOlson1967@aol.com]
>Sent: 	October 4, 1999 2:15 PM
>To: 	quattro@audifans.com
>Subject: 	Re:  '86 4KQ vs. "86 Honda Accord
>I hate to say this but in the short time I have owned a well-taken-care-of 
>4KQ, I've gone through several door handles, numerous interior and exterior 
>trim pieces, heater control cables, electrical problems, window and mirror 
>switches, seatbelt retractors, and poor engineering/quality control 
>difficulties too numerous to mention.  Neat car, fun to drive when it's not 
>at the shop, but a never-ending source of frustration.  Something is always 
>broken on this car, requiring yet another trip to the local VW/Audi salvage 
>yard where numerous examples reside.
>My boring Honda Accord (same year) has never required anything other than 
>routine maintenance (oil changes, timing belt, brakes, tires) after 180,000 
>miles.  Everything still works as new!  Looks good, drives good despite years
>of abuse.  
>What was Audi doing during the '85-'87 period?