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Re: Error code 2121

Scott Mockry has a pretty good photo of the idle/wot switch included in the
tech tidbits at:


Kneale Brownson

At 06:17 PM 10/5/99 -0400, MMGreger@aol.com wrote:
>I've been having problems with my 91 100 lately.   It wants to stall after 
>being driven 1 to 1 1/2 miles after a cold start.   At that point it drops 
>back to idle for 30 secs or so, at which point it begins to run normally 
>again and will not restall until after another cold start.   I pulled the 
>fault codes and got a 2121 which translates into "Idle Switch".  My questions 
>are;   1. has anyone else had a similar problem, 2. can the idle switch be 
>responsible, and 3.  where is the idle switch located and how do I identify 
>it?   I have a parts car which was operating normally before an accident, so 
>I can easily change out parts.  Thanks.